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Normal price €220,00
Normal price Sale price €220,00
Shipping costs calculated at settlement.

Raypath MINI SET set of cloths, which includes all types of cleaning fibers to make all arerfaces of your home shine.

What is included in the kit?

Set of cloths for daily kitchen maintenance:

  1. Universal mini cloth – for washing dishes and daily kitchen maintenance.
  2. Drainage fabric Sunbeam (38x41 cm) – for drying dishes and kitchen arerfaces.

A set of cloths for cleaning the bathroom and other water-resistant arerfaces:

  1. Universal white glove – for cleaning the bathtub and all water-resistant arerfaces.
  2. Drainage fabric Sunbeam (56x56 cm) - Universal size, for drying and polishing larger arerfaces.
  3. Natural soap NanoSilver - for the maintenance of cloths.

For dry cleaning, dust:

  1. Pink dry cleaning glove – for dry dust cleaning and polishing.

For wet cleaning of water-sensitive arerfaces:

  1. New glove – for wet cleaning of material arerfaces, carpets.
  2. Cream glove – for cleaning leather, wood, screens.
  3. Water with nano silver - an antibacterial disinfectant that destroys viruses, bacteria, fungus, mold.

Who is this kit for?

This is a set, thanks to which there will not be an uncleaned arerface in your home (except for the floor). Kitchen area, bathroom, walls, tiles, windows and mirrors, even sofas made of tapestry or leather and natural wood arerfaces will be perfectly cleaned and shining. Also, the arerfaces of electronic devices, screens, flower leaves, the car and all possible arerfaces that we clean dry or wet look like new. We can even use these tools to wash pets, massage them and collect their hair. No additional cleaning agents are required - just water and cloths are enough.

With a pink glove, we perfectly clean the dust, without spreading it around the environment. Also, this glove areprovides the arerface with additional shine and an antistatic layer, thanks to which dust does not accumulate for a longer time.

The silver water included in the kit is a very strong antibacterial disinfectant that kills viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold. With this tool, we disinfect ourselves, the arerfaces we touch when we are in public places. It is an excellent tool for disinfecting and treating wounds, especially severe burns. Silver water perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors, it can be sprayed on plants to encourage their flowering and prosperity.

How do we use it?

We invite you to watch the video at the bottom of this page for details on how we use the MINI SET and each of its parts.

About product care read here.


In Lithuania, our customers receive their orders in an average of 3-5 d.d. Often and within 2-3 d.d. after ordering.

We pack and ship within 1-4 days. and we send via postal machines, Lithuanian Post and couriers.

We recommend choosing a postal machine as the delivery method, as it is the most optimal.


For household use, the applicable warranty is 18 months. The warranty applies in the event of a manufacturing defect (if it is torn, it falls apart through no fault of the user). During this period, goods can be returned and exchanged for new ones.

At the end of the warranty period, products can be exchanged for new products at half price at any time.

Body and face care products are not covered by the warranty. Facial and body line products are not covered by the warranty.

Products used for industrial cleaning have a shelf life of 6 months. warranty.


You can return an unused item within 14 working days from the date of order.

If you have used the product and are not satisfied, we suggest that you review the instructions for use to make sure you are using the product correctly. Instructions for use and instructions you will find it here.

  • Vitaly D.

    "Cleans super without any cleaning agents. Really good product and worth a lot of money. I recommend it to everyone who wants a clean house without cleaners."

  • Karolina No.

    "I had actually heard that those wipes were good and cleaned everything, but I was a little skeptical about it. Well, now that I have a mop, I walk around the house looking for something else to clean. I regret not buying it earlier."

  • Jelena S.

    "I bought a standard set. And what do you think, I managed to clean the surface without any effort. Also tiles, limescale on taps, shower cabin glass. Everything is cleaned up without much effort."

  • Diamond E.

    "I can't think of anything I've been happier with than these wipes. They are irreplaceable!!! With a smile and quite simply, you do those jobs that you keep putting off for a later time."

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What is the cloth used for?

Raypath - cleaning cloths from the future

Get rid of all household cleaning chemicals and shine your entire home with just water.

Universal, long-lasting cloths are suitable for all possible surfaces and clean any type of dirt: from dust to grease. Just a cloth and a drop of water.

Only water. It is cleaned completely without chemicals - only with the help of plain water.

Long-lived. The mops last for 10 years or more

Saves water. We can clean up to 100 square meters with one wash of the cloth. m. area.

Antibacterial. Wipes are impregnated with nanosilver, which destroys viruses and bacteria

Easy maintenance. After cleaning, wash with soap or in the washing machine.

Protects nature. No more bottles, rubber gloves, sponges and short-term wipes.

Easy to use

Raypath wipes are very easy to use and maintain:

• Wet with cool or cold water

• Clean without pressing or rubbing

• After cleaning, wash the cloths under plenty of soapy water or in the washing machine

• And so for 10 years and more

Learn more about use and care

How Raypath wipes work

  • Saves time

    With these cloths you clean faster and more pleasantly. You wash less often. No need to press and rub. The cleaning process itself is much more pleasant.

  • Saves money

    Our towels will serve you for 10 years or more. Calculate how much you would spend on short-term cloths, rubber gloves, chemicals, sponges, etc. during that time.

  • Pleasure

    Raypath wipes make the cleaning process easier and a much more enjoyable activity. It is not uncommon for a customer to say that "once you start cleaning, you can't stop."

  • Disinfects

    All Raypath wipes are impregnated with nanosilver, which is widely used in medicine as a disinfectant. Thanks to it, every swipe of our cloth automatically disinfects the surface and destroys and prevents the accumulation of viruses, bacteria and microbes.

  • Protects health

    With Raypath, your home will smell clean, not chemical. After all, what is on the surface or in the air is also on the skin, in the mouth, in the lungs. This is especially true with children who touch and put everything in their mouths.

  • Protects nature

    Think about how many chemical bottles, sponges, wipes, etc. you use per year. With Raypath, we reduce environmental pollution to practically zero. Even used cloths can be returned for recycling and get new ones with 50% off. discount

frequently asked Questions

Deramai prižiūrimos šluostės Jums tarnaus daugybę metų - neretai daugiau nei 10 metų. Svarbiausia - šluosčių nepalikti džiūti purvinų, jas išplauti su muilu arba skalbyklėje (nenaudojant audinių minkštiklių), nespausti, nebružinti, ir vengti tiesioginio kontakto su auštesne nei 60 laipsnių temperatūra. Daugiau apie teisingą naudojimą bei šluosčių priežiūrą rasite čia .

Pagrindiniai išskirtinumai: ilgaamžiškumas, naudojimo paprastumas, universalumas, dezinfekavimo savybė, valymas be chemijos, ekonomiškumas ir ekologija.

  • Naudodami Raypath šluostes:
    • Jos Jums tarnaus daugybę metų (10-15 metų). Įmonė suteikia net 18 mėn. garantiją. Net ir jai pasibaigus, Jūs bet kada galit pasikeist sugadintą ar sudėvėtą šluostę į naują už pusę kainos.
    • Palengvinsit valymo procesą. Valymas šiomis šluostėmis yra efektyvesnis ir greitesnis. Ir svarbiausia, malonesnis.
    • Šluostės yra unversalios. Su jomis galėsite valyti įvairaus tipo purvą (riebalus, kalkes, maistines dėmes ir kt. purvą) nuo visų paviršių, nebijančių vandens (metalas, keramika, stiklas, akmuo, plaunami tapetai, kietieji baldai, kurie nebijo vandens ir pan.).
    • Nekensite savo sveikatai. Šios šluostės valo tik vandens pagalba. Manau visi suvokiam koks chemijos poveikis mūsų sveikatai. Plius, dar šios šluostės yra impregnuotos sidabro jonais, kuris valant paviršių dezinfekuoja. Tuo pačiu neleidžia kauptis mikrobams, grybeliui ir pan.
    • Ir dar sutaupysite pinigų. Taip, paskaičiuota, kad vidutiniškai šios šluostės atsiperka po 1-2 metų ir likusius 9-14 metų Jūs taupote pinigus neleisdama ant trumpaamžių šluosčių ir valiklių. O ką jau kalbėti apie sveikatą.
    • Įmonė siekia, kad į aplinką nebeišmestume nieko, kas susiję su namų valymu. Naudodami tik Raypath, mes atsisakome trumpaamžių valymo produktų, chemijos, plastikinių buteliukų naudojimo ir pačios chemijos, kuri vienu ar kitu būdu patenka į aplinką.

Namų priežiūrai skirti ir naudojami produktai:

Turint visą priemonių rinkinį ir prižiūrint produktus pagal gamintojo rekomendacijas, šie užtikrintai tarnauja 8-10 metų. Aliuminio ir plastiko dalys, tarnauja kur kas daugiau metų.

Veido ir kūno priežiūros priemonės:

Rekomenduojamas naudojimo laikas - 4 mėn. Dažniausiai teisingai prižiūrint, tarnauja ir dar ilgiau.

  1. Naudojant priemones buityje, taikoma garantija yra 18 mėn. Garantija taikoma gamybinio broko atveju (jeigu suplyšta, išyra ne dėl naudotojo kaltės). Per šį laikotarpį prekes galima grąžinti bei pasikeisti į naujas. Pasibaigus garantiniam laikotarpiui, bet kada galima produktus pasikeisti į naujus už pusę kainos.
  2. Kūno ir veido priežiūros priemonėms garantija netaikoma.
  3. Veido bei kūno linijos produktams garantija nesuteikiama.
  4. Priemonės, naudojamos industriniam valymui, turi 6 mėn. garantiją.
  • Taip, galite grąžinti nepanaudotą prekę per 30 kalendorinių dienų nuo užsakymo datos. Jei produktą panaudojote ir nesate patenkinti, siūlome peržiūrėti naudojimo instrukciją ir įsitikinti ar tikrai teisingai naudojate produktą. Naudojimo patarimus bei instrukciją rasite čia.
  • Jei naudojate teisingai ir produktas netenkina lūkesčių, labai prašome susisiekti su mumis asmeniškai tel.: 8 607 75885 arba el. paštu: labas@svarasusypsena.lt.

Prieš pradedant naudoti šluostes patį pirmą kartą, yra labai svarbu jas aktyvuoti. Tam, kad šluostės pluošto plaukai tinkamai atsivertų, reikia jas gausiai praplauti paprastu vėsiu vandeniu. Geriausiai tam tinka skalbyklė. Jei įsigijote šluostes ir nežinote kaip pradėti jas naudoti, ką daryti ir ką vengti dayri, kad jos Jums veiktų bei tarnautų daugelį metų, kviečiu užsukti į mūsų puslapio skiltį, kurioje rasite būtent šią informaciją. Spauskite čia

Customer reviews

What those who are already using Raypath wipes are saying

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Aldona Kazėnienė

Rinkinys MINI SET

Need help?

Our interactive video guide will help you choose the right Raypath products and answer your questions. We invite you to use it. :)

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